A man was on the side of the road with a large birdcage.
A boy noticed that the cage was full of birds of many kinds.
"Where did you get those birds?" he asked.
"Oh, all over the place," the man replied. "I lure them
with crumbs and pretend I'm their friend. Then when they are close, I
net them and shove them into my cage."
"And what are you going to do with them now?"
The man grinned, "I'm going to prod them with sticks, and get them
really mad so they fight and kill each other. Those that survive, I will
kill. None will escape."
The boy looked steadily at the man. What made him do such things? He
looked into the cruel, hard eyes. Then he looked at the birds, defenseless,
without hope.
"Can I buy those birds?" the boy asked. The man hid a smile,
aware that he could be on to a good thing if he played his cards right.
"Well," he said hesitantly, "The cage is pretty expensive,
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